A Summer Meme

Mom tagged me for a meme (what’s a meme? I don’t know, but I’ll answer the questions)

1.) What first tells you that summer is here?
When Mom starts wearing shorts, and has more time to take me on walks.  Also, I pant more.

2.) Name five of your favorite distinctively summer habits or customs.
*Going on long walks around a lake
*Going up to the Big Lake Far Away and Staying in a Room.
*Going to something called a “Dog Park”
*Riding in a Car with my Nose out the Window
*Chasing Rabbits

3.) What is your favorite smell of summer?
Favorite smell??? I like all smells.  I like the smell of holes and wet leaves after rain, and toads on the road, and trees.  I like the smell of the lake, and all the people we met, and the puppies, especially labs!  they are so cute!

4.) What is your favorite taste of summer?
runner up:  ice cubes

5.) Favorite summer memory?
I live in the moment, so I’m not sure what a memory is.  But I like when we starting going to that place called a “Dog Park” together, when I was little, and met all kinds of dog friends and people friends every morning.  It was so fun!  We used to go every morning.

6.) Extreme heat or extreme cold? Which would you choose and why?
I like cold better, because of rolling around in the snow, but I know mom likes summer, and I like summer because mom and dad have more time.

7.) What books do you plan to read for the season?
I am not going to read any books, and I wish Mom wouldn’t either.  Except books about dogs.

8.) How does the summer affect your faith? Is it a hindrance?
Summer is good because my Mom has more time and we do more things together.  I think it is always good to do more things with my people.

I still Love Them

Sometimes they say, “I promise I will take you on a longer walk tomorrow.” 

And then they don’t.

Sometimes they say, “I promise I will take you to the park soon.”

And then they don’t.

But I still love them.  I still want to be around them.  All they have to do is get down on the floor, and I wag my tail so hard everyone can hear me down the block! 

And when mom fills up my food bowl, I run around and jump up and down!

I’m always excited to see them, and to get and give loves and pets from them. 

And I know that someday soon we’ll take those long walks and I’ll get to run at the park more often, and take rides in the car, too.

oh, and by the way:  it’s snowing.

It’s very pretty outside:  big white thick flakes of sticky, roll-around-in snow are falling down.

There is so much to be thankful for.

 Even when they forget me, I still love them.

Today is my Birthday!

I am three years old today!  I don’t know if I will get any special presents or do anything special, because Mom and Dad are Very Busy right now.

 But that’s all right, because for me, every day is special!  I got to walk all the way down to the end of the block this morning!  I got to sit right by Mom’s feet while she typed!  I got to have breakfast!  I got to take a nap!

 I am three, so maybe now they expect me to behave.  Hmm, behave.  I wonder what that means?

So, what makes every day special for you?  Later on, I’ll tell you all about all the other special things I did!  But I want to hear from you, too!