a new picture of me

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My Vacation

I got to go on vacation with Mom and Dad!  I got to ride in the car!  I got to see a lake (I only went in a little).  I got to meet two dog friends!  I got to go on a lot of walks and I saw a funny round and hard animal that had soft parts that kept popping in and out.  It was very exciting!  I liked our house, and I liked our lake, and I liked sitting in the sun with Mom and Dad.  And I liked that they took my picture, too!  I am very tired today.

I like hanging out with Mom and Dad all day.  I like it when they don’t go away to wherever they go (I think Mom , goes to the big place where I got blessed sometimes.)  I like taking walks with them and hearing all the sounds (birds, wind, water) and smelling all the smells (animals, grass, flowers, weeds, people, air).  I hope I get to go again.

I don’t think I would like to go in a boat.  They are all shaky and I am not sure about that.  Also, I don’t like those long thin things people carry around.  They look like weapons.  However, I think I would like fish.  Mmm-mmm, they look good.

I think it’s good to be willing to go new places and at least try some new things, don’t you?  I wonder where we will go next!

I never worry when it’s time to go in the car.  I know they will take me to a good place.  I only worry before we leave, that maybe this time, I will not get to go along.  Being left behind is the worst thing, worse even than going to the veterinarian. 

A Summer Meme

Mom tagged me for a meme (what’s a meme? I don’t know, but I’ll answer the questions)

1.) What first tells you that summer is here?
When Mom starts wearing shorts, and has more time to take me on walks.  Also, I pant more.

2.) Name five of your favorite distinctively summer habits or customs.
*Going on long walks around a lake
*Going up to the Big Lake Far Away and Staying in a Room.
*Going to something called a “Dog Park”
*Riding in a Car with my Nose out the Window
*Chasing Rabbits

3.) What is your favorite smell of summer?
Favorite smell??? I like all smells.  I like the smell of holes and wet leaves after rain, and toads on the road, and trees.  I like the smell of the lake, and all the people we met, and the puppies, especially labs!  they are so cute!

4.) What is your favorite taste of summer?
runner up:  ice cubes

5.) Favorite summer memory?
I live in the moment, so I’m not sure what a memory is.  But I like when we starting going to that place called a “Dog Park” together, when I was little, and met all kinds of dog friends and people friends every morning.  It was so fun!  We used to go every morning.

6.) Extreme heat or extreme cold? Which would you choose and why?
I like cold better, because of rolling around in the snow, but I know mom likes summer, and I like summer because mom and dad have more time.

7.) What books do you plan to read for the season?
I am not going to read any books, and I wish Mom wouldn’t either.  Except books about dogs.

8.) How does the summer affect your faith? Is it a hindrance?
Summer is good because my Mom has more time and we do more things together.  I think it is always good to do more things with my people.