A Book Recommendation

Mom and me found a new book recently which we are recommending called More Dog Psalms.  It is by the same person, Herbert Brokering, that wrote Dog Psalms.  (In fairness, we have to note that he also wrote Cat Psalms, and More Cat Psalms.)  Mr. Brokering thinks dogs are good peacemakers, and woof!  I agree!  Here’s something for all you dog and people out there:

I am dog.  I hope.  I hope for hours in silence, behind a shut door; on a doorstep I will wait, for you said you’d be back  I barked, begged; you promised.  I can tell a promise that is being kept.  My whole body feels when you are almost home, when you are almost awake, when we will soon take our walk.  I am ready even before you say it is time  I bark when I hear the car in the driveway.  I am in your way when you open the door.  First you must notice mean; then I will run ahead of you…..I am dog; I am ready to be with you.  Who can ever separate us?

God, my peace is rooted in hope.  Peace is an old story.  I wait for goodwill, seek it and expect it.  Nothing will separate me from the hope for peace.  Nothing in heaven or earth will destroy my hope and expectation.  Hope is your work amng us, a force at work to bring beauty and balance and life to creation.  Hope is not wishful thinking.  Hope is built on old truth old history, and theo ld word:  Behold, everything is very good.  Hope does not allow for the work of detruction and warfare and hunger and separation.  Hope sees the oneness in creation, peace in nature, the singleness of heart, the unity of spirit, the family of all people.  Biind us together with ohpe; link us in ways so we talk together, eat together, walk together, dream together, work together, live together.  When we lose our way to peace, bring us back together through the law of hope.

3 Responses to “A Book Recommendation”

  1. Rusty Says:

    I like your book recommendation and I’m going to ask mom to find it for me!

    I have something for you at my blog.

  2. DogBlogger Says:

    Wow! That sounds like a very nice book, indeed. Thank you for recommending it.

  3. Rowan The Dog Says:

    Dear Scout,

    Good job on being able to read buddy! You’re really a remarkable dog. My guardian read the first dog Psalm book to me and we thought they were real good Psalms. My guardian said that they helped her to think about God in new ways which I think is good. But probably not as good as a treat.

    I woof you!


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